Between the SECRETARY OF SMALL AND MIDDLE-SIZED ENTERPRIZES of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, represented in this act by Emg. Enrique Mario Martínez, from here " THE SECRETARY ", with residence in Paseo Colon 189 piso 4° of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and the ASOCIACIÓN AMIGOS DEL PROGRAMA DE AUTOSUFICIENCIA REGIONAL(Friends of the Regional Self-Sufficiency Program Association) with the juridical Person – Resolution N° 5945 of the Nov 3, 2000, from here " THE ASSOCIATION ", with residence in the calle Lamadrid N° 1700 of the city of Quilmes, Partido de Quilmes, Pcia. of Buenos Aires, represented in this act by his President, Mr. Horacio Rubén Covas, hold the present Agreement of Colaboration subject to the following clauses:


FIRST: This present Agreement of Collaboration aims to promote throughout the country the barter system or multireciprocal exchange of goods and services, being worthy of the facilitating exchange tool denominated credit.

Together both institutions also will promote the formation of efficient enterprises which may contribute in a supported way to the creation of workplaces. The effort will be centered in offering to the prosumers different tools that may permit to consolidate their insertion into the productive tissue.-

So, to strengthen the business-starting realized by the "ASSOCIATION" through the Barter Network in order to support productive or relevant service activities, in its transition from the alternative market toward the formal economy in the model of venturing. Goals of this Agreement will be realized by way of actions of mutual collaboration, oriented to the inormation and identification of the main weaknesses with which the barter system confronts, and the elaboration of the expansion program and Club Network's systematization with detailed identification of the barter clubs and intervening prosumers.-


SECOND: In order to warrant an effective coordination of the throughout-the-country-sprinkled Club Network, just as the promotion of new spaces for the multireciprocal exchanges " THE SECRETARY " will furnish resources, according to its budget's availability, previous evaluation of the concrete needs that both assume, that will be implemented through complementary acts of the preesnt Agreement of Collaboration.-


THIRD: " THE SECRETARY " will offer the professional, technical and training support, destined to promote the gradual and orderly transit of the prosumers circuit ruled by the social money ( vouchers ), toward the formal economy's area, building genuine ventures. Prosumers will be able, with absolute freedom, to remaim tied with the barter circuit, totally or parcially, according to their needs' request.-


FOURTH: The sustained improvement of the offer of products and services willing to attain a good competitive profile in the transition toward the formal economy will be parallelly promoted.-


FIFTH: " THE SECRETARY " will do all the efforts within its reach to make perfect the communication system (through Internet) of the Club Networks of the whole country, aiming to making perfect the sectorial articulation of these exchange poles.-


SIXTH: " THE SECRETARY " is engaged within its possibilities to stimulate to community Social Work and Economic Organizations so that they contribute to the consolidation and growth of this alternative market.-


SEVENTH: " THE SECRETARY " and " THE ASSOCIATION " of the common agreement decide to create a Link Committee to coordinate and monitor the function of the Work Plan, which will be in charge of the presentation of bimonthly report of the advances and problems occurred in the program's development. The Committee will be constituted by a representative of each Institution. By " THE SECRETARY " the Accountant Carlos A. Fazio, and by " THE ASSOCIATION " Mr. Carlos Alberto De Sanzo is appointed.-


EIGHTH: All question that should happen and not be contemplated in the present Agreement of Collaboration, will be resolved of common agreement between the both parts according to the guideline.-


NINTH: The term of TWELVE MONTHS ( 12 ) from the subscription of this is set as a valid period of the present Agreement of Collaoration. In case of the anticipated cancellation of the present Agreement of Collaboration the part which takes this measure must let the other know by an undenyable way with THIRTY ( 30 ) days of anticipation.-


Proving the similarity, TWO ( 2 ) examples of the same contents with only one effect are signed, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires on the 20th day of the month of December of 2000.






Mr. Horacio Rubén COVAS Eng. Enrique MARTINEZ

President of the Secretary of Small and Middle-sized Enterprises

ASOCIACIÓN AMIGOS DEL PROGRAMA DE AUTOSUFICIENCIA REGIONAL(Friends of the Regional Self-Sufficiency Program Association)


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Last updated(to English): Dec 31, 2000.